Well, it was a hell of a weekend, starting on Wednesday, April 29th, when we played on the LaZoom Bus in Jennifer and Jim (who own/run the bus biz) are amazingly nice and fantastically entertaining, and the people on the bus went up and down all through the town laughing, learning and enjoying the tour and our music. We met a coupla ladies from
Thursday, we played our first show out at Pisgah Brewing Company in Now you see them played in the back yard, which is lush and green and has a pretty little stream running through it. There weren’t THAT many people there, but there were definitely a few of our favorites: john and barb and ryan, Claire and her gaggle of pretty friends. Rumor had it that we had competition with the Asheville Toursists’ first “Thirsty Thursday.” All in all, it was a great show, and we got to drink awesome beer while playing outside! We really hope to play there again soon, so if you’re in the neighborhood, drop our name into someone’s ear, and, hopefully, they’ll listen!
Finally Friday rolled around, and we were all set to play at our friends Ana and Claire’s plane crash-themed house party. We knew it was going to be a good one when we were looking for costume ideas at Goodwill and a random woman approached us saying, “I’m sorry, but are you all planning to go to a party tonight where you’re supposed to
dress up like something from a plane crash?” We each worked out our costumes: Jason rigged up an oxygen mask looking thing to a wire hanger around his head and dressed as a tourist in a Hawaiian shirt with a camera around his neck. . I was someone who was pulled from some wreckage…either out of water or some trees…I had a white mesh laundry bag as a net over me, strewn with foliage and sea-creature sponges. Shane was a gay, never-nude terrorist. “How would you ever convey that?” you may ask. Well, with style, I guess.
Shane sported extremely short denim shorts and a cutoff white T-shirt with a giant letter T on it which he then wrote “terrorist” underneath in sharpie. He fashioned a turban from some seersucker material found at goodwill, and the rest, as they say, was history.
The party was lots of fun, and there were tons of people there. Ana met us in the driveway with jell-o shots, and Robot Baby’s band (http://www.myspace.com/themysterycult) played amazing music in the garage while an organ (like, a pipe organ) burned in the front yard. Our set went well, and we had a new experience when an adamant female fan approached Shane from behind to unbutton, unzip, and almost unveil his manliest parts! Good thing I talked him into wearing undies with those short shorts! What would they do without a girl in the band?
So now it’s Sunday, and it’s rainy and breezy outside. We’re all tuckered out from our long weekend of fun, and we’re looking forward to the next couple of shows we have lined up. I’m going to try to keep this blog thing going, even though I’m not a huge fan of blogging in general. So why don’t you show up and give me something to talk about?
Check out our upcoming shows at our myspace page.
i'm so proud of you.